Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Facebook status' I never posted on Facebook for fear that people might think I don't have a life outside of Facebook

So, like said in title...these are a few Facebook status post's that I would have made this week, only I hate to be one of those people that update's their Facebook status mulitple times a day. Sometime's I wonder if their facebook talk's back to them...?

~Oklahoma Sky-where do you get your colors from? They can't be real. Far too beautiful to be real.

~Really? If you're going to give me an up-down, could you at least not be so obvious about it? Or I don't know, maybe acknowledge me at some point with a "hello" or even just a smile so that I can tell myself that you were admiring my new boots instead of noticing the extra lb's from the holidays. I mean, we do work together so to not say hi in passing is awkward enough. To feel judged when in passing is even worse. Thanks.

~I love GABABOUT Post!! You must download the app if you send mass text's for say, Happy Hour. It's basically a really pretty, fun, and/or themed invitation but through text. They even have cute little notepad's so you can send a 'note' to someone. Here is one I sent the huz while playing with it.

He replied with, "Busy day at work?"

~I wonder if my husband and I will ever feel like our home is completely finished? Is that a real expectation? Does everyone else live like this?

The End.

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